Hello World!
I was born on August 4'Th 2008 and it was my dad's shear laziness that delayed my meet with the world. OK, lets not get into his details as that's never ending and I guess my Mom can talk volumes about him. I am gonna hijack my dads blog now and then until I am old enough to maintain one. My dad says, I have lot of Mama's/Babai's(uncle's), Pinni's/Atta's(Aunts) spread all across the globe and many in India too. So, Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Good Night in what ever part of the world you may be. I miss you all! Hello Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My name? My dad and mom couldn't figure out a name for me so for now my dad refers me as Surineni Jr. In my cradle ceremony they whispered 3 names into my ear "Meghana(Megha)", "Medha", "Moksha". Most of the people liked Meghana, few Medha and no one liked Moksha.I am wondering what they would finalize on!
Check out my first web album Here